2025 | The hex1 gene of Trichoderma simmonsii is involved in stress responses, biocontrol potential and wheat plant growth. AUTORES: PEDRERO-MÉNDEZ, A., ILLESCAS, M., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbiological Research 290: 127958. |
2024 | A diverse panel of 755 bread wheat accession harbors untapped genetic diversity in landraces and reveal novel genetic regions conferring powdery mildew resistance. AUTORES: LEBER, R., HEUBERGER, M., WIDRIG, V., JUNG, E., PAUX, E., KELLER, B., and SÁNCHEZ-MARTÍN, J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Theoretical and Applied Genetics 137: 88 |
2024 | A genotype–phenotype approach to discriminate Central European spelt landraces from modern wheat-spelt intercrosses in the Swiss context. AUTORES: STEFAN, L., SANCHEZ-MARTIN, J., KURTH, T., KELLER, B., HERREN, G., KRATTINGER, S.G., STREBEL, S., AMPUERO-KRAGTEN, S., CAMPO, K.H., & HÄNER, L.L. REVISTA/LIBRO: Euphytica 220: 143. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-024-03400-8 |
2024 | Detection in wastewater and its effective correlation with clinical data during the outbreak of COVID-19 in Salamanca. AUTORES: MARTÍNEZ DE ALBA, Á.E., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., GARCÍA-PRIETO, J.C., GARCÍA-BERNALT DIEGO, J., FERNÁNDEZ-SOTO, P., SERRANO LEÓN, E., MONSALVO, V.; CASAO, M.; RUBIO, M.B., HERMOSA, R., MURO, A., GARCÍA-ROIG, M. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25:8071 |
2024 | Identification of tomato microRNAs in late response to Trichoderma atroviride. AUTORES: OLMO, O., QUIJADA N.M., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, 1617. |
2024 | Improved sampling and DNA extraction procedures for microbiome analyses in food-processing environments. AUTORES: BARCENILLA, C., COBO-DÍAZ, J.F., DE FILIPPIS, F., VALENTINO, V., … QUIJADA, N.M., … ERCOLINI, D., and ÁLVAREZ-ORDÓÑEZ, A. REVISTA/LIBRO: Nature Protocols 19: 1291-1310 |
2024 | Microbial community structure of plant-based meat alternatives. AUTORES: ROCH, E.F., DZIEIOL, M., QUIJADA, N.M., ALTEIO, L.V., MESTER, P.J., and SELBERHERR, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: NPJ Science of Food 8:27 |
2024 | Microbiome mapping in dairy industry reveals new species and genes for probiotic and bioprotective activities. AUTORES: DE FILIPPIS, F., VALENTINO, V., YAP, M., CABRERA-RUBIO, R., …, QUIJADA, N.M., … & ERCOLINI, D. REVISTA/LIBRO: npj Biofilms Microbiomes 10: 67. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41522-024-00541-5 |
2024 | The presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of transgenic rapeseed overexpressing a Trichoderma Thkel1 gene improves plant development and yield. AUTORES: NICOLÁS, C., CALVO-POLANCO, M., POVEDA, J., ALONSO-RAMÍREZ, A., ASCASO, J., ARBONA, V. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Agriculture 14, 851 |
2024 | The wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm4 also confers resistance to wheat blast. AUTORES: O’HARA, T., STEED, A., GODDARD, R., GAURAV, K., …, SÁNCHEZ-MARTÍN, J, …. UAUY, C., and NICHOLSON, P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Nature Plants 10: 984-993 |
2024 | Unexplored microbial diversity from 2,500 food metagenomes and links with the human microbiome. AUTORES: CARLINO, N., BLANCO-MÍGUEZ, A., PUNCOCHÁR, M., C MENGONI, C., …, QUIJADA, N.M., …, & YAP, M. REVISTA/LIBRO: Cell 187: 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.039 |
2023 | Capture and transport of white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum) cause shifts in their fecal microbiota composition towards dysbiosis. AUTORES: POHLIN, F., FREI, C., MEYER, L.C.R., ROCH, F.F., QUIJADA, N.M., CONRADY, B., NEUBAUER, V., HOFMEYR, M., COOPER, D., STALDER, G., and WETZELS, S.U. REVISTA/LIBRO: Conservation Physiology 1: coad089. |
2023 | Mutagenesis of wheat powdery mildew reveals a single gene controlling both NLR and tandem kinase-mediated immunity. AUTORES: BERNASCONI, Z., STIRNEMANN, U., SOTIROPOULOS, A.G., GRAF, J., WICKER, T., KELLER, J., and SÁNCHEZ-MARTÍN, J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 37: 264-276 |
2023 | Resistance that stacks up: engineering rust and mildew disease control in the cereal crops wheat and barley. AUTORES: DRACATOS, P.M., LU, J., SÁNCHEZ-MARTÍN, J., and WULFF, B.B.H.B. REVISTA/LIBRO: Plant Biotechnology Journal 21: 1938-1951 |
2023 | Role of RNA silencing in plant-viroid interactions and in viroid pathogenesis. AUTORES: DI SERIO, F., OWENS, R.A., NAVARRO, B., SERRA, P., MARTÍNEZ DE ALBA, Á.E., DELGADO, S., CARBONELL, A., GAGO-ZACHERT, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Virus Research 323, 198964 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2022.198964 |
2023 | The sophisticated evolution of Trichoderma to control insect pests. AUTORES: MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 120: e2301971120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2301971120
2023 | Trichoderma harzianum volatile organic compounds regulated by the THCTF1 transcription factor are involved in antifungal activity and beneficial plant responses. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., MONTI, M.M., GUALTIERI, L., RUOCCO, M., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: J. Fungi 9, 654 |
2023 | Trichoderma: a multipurpose plant beneficial microorganism for eco-sustainable agriculture. AUTORES: WOO, S.L., HERMOSA, R., LORITO, M. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Nature Reviews Microbiology 21 (5): 312-326 |
2022 | Effect of Trichoderma asperellum on wheat plants’ biochemical and molecular responses, and yield under different water stress conditions. AUTORES: ILLESCAS, M., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., MARTÍNEZ DE ALBA, A.E., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 6782 doi: 10.3390/ijms23126782 |
2022 | Exposure to plant-oriented microbiome altered jejunal and colonic innate immune response and barrier function more strongly in suckling than in weaned piglets. AUTORES: FREDERIKE LERCH, JULIA C VÖTTERL, HEIDI E SCHWARTZ-ZIMMERMANN, ELENA L SASSU, LUKAS SCHWARZ, RENE RENZHAMMER, MORITZ BÜNGER, SUCHITRA SHARMA, SIMONE KOGER, ARIFE SENER-AYDEMIR, NARCISO M QUIJADA, EVELYNE SELBERHERR, STEFAN KUMMER, FRANZ BERTHILLER, BARBARA U. METZLER-ZEBELI REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Animal Science 100: skac310 doi: 10.1093/jas/skac310. |
2022 | In memoriam of Ricardo Flores: The career, achievements, and legacy of an inspirational plant virologist. AUTORES: PALLAS, V., HERNÁNDEZ, C., MARCOS, J.F., DARÒS, J.A, AMBRÓS, S., NAVARRO, B., NAVARRO, J.A., DE LA PEÑA, M., GAGO-ZACHERT, S., GAS,M.E., CARBONELL, A., LÓPEZ, C., MARTÍNEZ DE ALBA, A.E., DI SERIO, F. AND MORENO, P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Virus Research 312, 198718 |
2022 | Insights on KP4 killer toxin-like proteins of Fusarium species in interspecific interactions. AUTORES: VICENTE, I., QUARATIELLO, G., BARONCELLI, R., VANNACCI, G., SARROCCO, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Fungi 8: 968. doi: 10.3390/jof8090968 |
2022 | Phenylpropanoids in Silybum marianum cultures treated with cyclodextrins coated with magnetic nanoparticles. AUTORES: CORCHETE P, ALMAGRO L, GABALDÓN JA, PEDREÑO MA, JAVIER PALAZÓN J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 106: 2393-2401 doi10.1007/s00253-022-11886-2 |
2022 | Role and genetic basis of secondary metabolites in Trichoderma ecophysiology. AUTORES: VICENTE, I., BARONCELLI, R., HERMOSA E., MONTE E., VANNACCI, G. AND SARROCCO, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Fungal Biology Reviews 39: 83-99. |
2021 | Microbiological evaluation of the disinfecting potential of UV-C and UV-C plus ozone generating robots. AUTORES: MARTÍNEZ DE ALBA, A.E., RUBIO, M.B., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., BERNABÉU, C., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microorganisms 9: 172 |
2021 | Phytohormones production profiles in Trichoderma species and their relationship to wheat plant responses to water stress. AUTORES: ILLESCAS, M., PEDRERO-MÉNDEZ, A., PITORINI-BOVOLINI, M., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Pathogens 10: 991 |
2021 | The use of Trichoderma spp. to control plant diseases AUTORES: MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbial bioprotectants for plant disease management. Eds. Jürgen Köhl and Willem Ravensberg. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing: Cambridge (UK) ISBN: 978-178676 8131. pp. 401-429. |
2021 | Trichoderma and the plant heritable priming responses. AUTORES: MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., MARTÍNEZ de ALBA, A.E., RUBIO, M.B., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Fungi 7:318. doi:org/10.3390/jof7040318 |
2021 | Why is the correct selection of Trichoderma strains important? The case of wheat endophytic strains of T. harzianum and T. simmonsii. AUTORES: Pedrero-Méndez, A., Insuasti, H.C., Neagu, T., Illescas, M., Rubio, M.B., Monte, E. and Hermosa, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Fungi, 7:1087 |
2020 | Alterations in the silymarin metabolism in transgenic Silybum marianum cultured cells by the heterologous expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana V-myb myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog transcription factor MYB12 and Cicer arietinum chalcone synthase. AUTORES: VILLAR D., ALMAGRO L., PALAZÓN J. AND CORCHETE P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Industrial Crops and Products 155: 112794 doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112794. |
2020 | Are species concepts outdated for Fungi? Intraspecific variation in plant-pathogenic fungi illustrates the need of subspecific categorization. AUTORES: MONTE, E., HERMOSA, R., JIMÉNEZ-GASCO, M.M. AND JIMÉNEZ-DÍAZ, R.M. REVISTA/LIBRO: Trends in Bacterial and Fungal Systematics”. Eds. David Smith, Paul D. Bridge and Erko Stackebrandt. CABI Publishing: Wallingford (UK) ISBN: 978-1789244984 |
2020 | Combined comparative genomics and gene expresión analyses provides insights into terpene synthases inventory in Trichoderma. AUTORES: VICENTE, I., BARONCELLI, R., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., BERNARDI, R., PUNTONI, G., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E., VANNACCI, G. AND SARROCCO, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microorganisms 8: 1603 |
2020 | Deciphering biocontrol qualities and other plant beneficial traits in Trichoderma. AUTORES: MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA R. REVISTA/LIBRO: How Research Can Stimulate the Development of Commercial Biological Control Against Plant Diseases”. Eds. Antonieta De Cal, Paloma Melgarejo and Naresh Magan. Springer: Singapore ISBN: 978-3030532376 |
2020 | Differential response of tomato plants to the application of three Trichoderma species when evaluating the control of Pseudomonas syringae populations. AUTORES: MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., TRANQUE, E., BETTIOL, W., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Plants, 9:626. doi:10.3390/plants9050626 |
2020 | Effect of inorganic N top dressing and Trichoderma harzianum seed-inoculation on crop yield and the shaping of root microbial communities of wheat plants cultivated under high basal N. AUTORES: ILLESCAS, M., RUBIO, M.B., HERNÁNDEZ-RUIZ, V., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., MARTÍNEZ de ALBA, A.E., NICOLÁS, C., MONTE, E. and HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 575861. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.575861
2020 | Three new reports of Trichoderma in Algeria: T. atrobrunneum (South), T. longibrachiatum (South) and T. afroharzianum (Northwest). AUTORES: HAOUHACH, S., KARKACHI, N., OGUIBA, B., SIDAOUI, A., CHAMORRO, I., KIHAL, M. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microorganisms, 8:1455. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8101455 |
2020 | Trichoderma asperellum induces systemic resistance against Sclerotium cepivorum in onion plants enhancing the production under tropical climate condition. AUTORES: RIVERA-MÉNDEZ, W., OBREGÓN, M., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Biological Control 141: 1041-1045 (doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2019.104145) |
2019 | A split-root method to study systemic and heritable traits induced by Trichoderma in tomato plants. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., DE MEDERIOS, H.A., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., CASTILLO, P., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Methods in Rhizosphere Biology Research”. Eds. Didier Reinhardt and Anil K. Sharma. Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-13-5767-1. pp. 151-166. |
2019 | Antimicrobial secondary metabolites from agriculturally importantfungi as next biocontrol agents. AUTORES: KESWANI, C., SINGH, H.B., HERMOSA, R., GARCÍA-ESTRADA, C., CARADUS, J., HE, Y.W., MEZAACHE-AICHOUR, S., GLARE, T.R., BORRIS, R., VINALE, F. AND SANSINENEA, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103: 9287-9303 (doi: 10.1007/s00253-019-10209-2) |
2019 | Early root transcriptomic changes in wheat seedlings colonized by Trichoderma harzianum under different inorganic nitrogen supplies. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., MARTÍNEZ DE ALBA, A.E., NICOLÁS, C., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 2444 (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02444). |
2019 | Effect of coating maize seed with entomopathogenic fungi on plant growth and resistance against Fusarium graminearum and Costelytra giveni. AUTORES: RIVAS-FRANCO, F., HAMPTON, J.G., MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., NARCISO, J., ROSTÁS, M., WESSMAN, P., JACKSON, T.A. AND GLARE, T.R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Biocontrol Science and Technology (https://doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2019.1611736) |
2019 | Effects on hyphal morphology and development by the putative copper radical oxidase glx1 in Trichoderma virens suggest a novel role as a cell wall associated enzyme. AUTORES: CRUTCHER, F.K, MORAN-DIEZ, M.E., KRIEGER, I.V., AND KENERLEY, C.H. REVISTA/LIBRO: Fungal Genetics and Biology (https://doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2019.103245) |
2019 | Synthesis of trichodermin derivatives and their antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities. AUTORES: BARÚA J.E., DE LA CRUZ, M., DE PEDRO, N., CAUTAIN, B., HERMOSA, R., CARDOZA R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., MONTE, E., VICENTE, F. AND COLLADO I.G. REVISTA/LIBRO: Molecules 24: 3811 (doi:10.3390/molecules24203811) |
2019 | The Trichoderma harzianum Kelch protein ThKEL1 plays a key role in root colonization and the induction of systemic defense in Brassicaceae plants. AUTORES: POVEDA, J., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E. AND NICOLÁS, C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1478 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01478) |
2019 | Transcriptomic analysis of Trichoderma atroviride overgrowing plant-wilting Verticillium dahliae reveals the role of a new M14 metallocarboxypeptidase CPA1 in biocontrol. AUTORES: MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., CARRERO-CARRÓN, I., RUBIO, M.B., JIMÉNEZ-DÍAZ, R.M., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 1120 (https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2019.01120)
2019 | Trichoderma e seus mecanismos de ação para o biocontrole de doenças de plantas. AUTORES: MONTE, E., BETTIOL, W. AND HERMOSA R REVISTA/LIBRO: Trichoderma uso na agricultura”. Embrapa: Brasilia DF (Brasil). ISBN: 978-85-7035-943-8. pp. 181-199 |
2019 | Trichoderma harzianum favours the access of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to non-host Brassicaceae roots and increases plant productivity. AUTORES: POVEDA J., HERMOSA R., MONTE, E. AND NICOLÁS C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Scientific Reports 9: 11650 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-48269-z) |
2019 | Using multiple insecticidal microbial agents against diamondback moth larvae-does it increase toxicity? AUTORES: NARCISO, J., ORMSKIRK, M., JONES, S., ROLSTON, P., MORAN-DIEZ, M.E., HURST, M., BROOKES, J. AND GLARE, T. REVISTA/LIBRO: New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research (https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2019.1582074) |
2018 | Biotechnological production of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals in plant cell and organ cultures. AUTORES: HIDALGO, D., SANCHEZ, R., LALALEO, L., BONFILL, M., CORCHETE, P., PALAZON, J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Current Medicinal Chemistry 25: 3577-3596 |
2018 | Distribution and genetic variability of Fusarium oxysporum associated with tomato diseases in Argelia and a biocontrol strategy with indigenous Trichoderma spp. AUTORES: DEBBI, A., BOUREGHDA, H., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Microbiology 9:282 |
2018 | Extracellular chromone derivatives in cell cultures of Pimpinella anisum. Influence of elicitation with methyl jasmonate and 2β-methyl cyclodextrins. AUTORES: SOTO-ARGEL, C., D., HIDALGO, D., PALAZÓN, J., CORCHETE, P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Biotechnol Lett. 2018 Feb;40(2):413-418. |
2018 | Interactions between Trichoderma harzianum and defoliating Verticillium dahliae in resistant and susceptible wild olive clones. AUTORES: CARRERO-CARRÓN, I., RUBIO, M.B., NIÑO-SÁNCHEZ, J., NAVAS, J.A., JIMÉNEZ-DÍAS, R.M., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Plant Pathology 67: 1758-1767.
2018 | Molecular dialogues between Trichoderma and roots. Role of the fungal secretome. AUTORES: MENDOZA-MENDOZA, A., ZAID, R., LAWRY, R., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E., HORWITZ, B. AND MUKHERJEE, P.K. REVISTA/LIBRO: Fungal Biology Reviews, 32: 62-85
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1749461317300738 |
2018 | Opportunism and conversations with the enviroment. AUTORES: ROSA HERMOSA, M. BELÉN RUBIO AND ENRIQUE MONTE. REVISTA/LIBRO: TG2018: Proceedings of the 15th International Trichoderma & Gliocladium Workshop. Editorial: Fundación General Universidad de Salamanca, 120 pp. ISBN: 978-84-09-02624-1. |
2017 | Actividades de biocontrol de Trichoderma frente a Ascomicetes fitopatógenos. AUTORES: PÉREZ, A., HERMOSA, R. Y MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: FarmaJournal 2(1): 85-93 |
2017 | An optimized biotechnological system for the production of centellosides based on elicitation and bioconversion of Centella asiatica cell cultures. AUTORES: HIDALGO, D., STEINMETZ, V., BROSSAT, M., TOURNIER-COUTURIER, L., CUSIDO, R., CORCHETE, P., JAVIER PALAZON, P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Engineering in Life Sciences 17: 413-419. |
2017 | Beauveria bassiana as an endophyte: a critical review on associated methodology and biocontrol potential. AUTORES: MCKINNON, A.C., SAARI, S., MORAN-DIEZ, M.E., MEYLING, N.V., RAAD, M. AND GLARE, T.R. REVISTA/LIBRO: BioControl 62: 1-17. |
2017 | Bioconversion of stilbenes ingenetically engineered root and cell cultures of tobacco. AUTORES: HIDALGO, D., MARTÍNEZ-MÁRQUEZ, A., ELISABETH MOYANO, E., BRU-MARTÍNEZ,R., CORCHETE, P., PALAZÓN, J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Scientific Reports DOI: 10.1038/srep45331 |
2017 | Biotechnological production of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator protein (reteplase) from transplastomic tobacco cell cultures. AUTORES: HIDALGO, D., ABDOLI-NASAB, M., JALALI-JAVARAN, M., BRU-MARTINEZ, R., CUSIDO, R., CORCHETE, P:, PALAZON, J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Plant Physiol Biochem. 2017 Sep;118:130-137 |
2017 | Ejemplo práctico: Trichoderma y su mundo. AUTORES: MONTE, E., RUBIO, M.B. Y HERMOSA R. REVISTA/LIBRO: El Control biológico de enfermedades vegetales en España. Eds. Antonieta de la Cal y Paloma Melgarejo. Phytoma-España: Valencia; Capítulo 4, pp. 29-37. |
2017 | Inhibitory activity of Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma spp. on the insect pests Xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Chrisomelidae: Bruchinae). AUTORES: A. RODRÍGUEZ-GONZÁLEZ, S. MAYO, O. LÓPEZ-GONZÁLEZ, B. REINOSO, S. GUTIÉRREZ, P.A. CASQUERO. REVISTA/LIBRO: Environmental Monitoring and Assesment 189: 12
2017 | Involvement of the transcriptional coactivator ThMBF1 in the biocontrol activity of Trichoderma harzianum. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., PARDAL, J.A., CARDOZA, R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Microbiology 8:2273.
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02273/full |
2017 | Morphological and molecular characterization of native isolates of Trichoderma and its potential biocontrol against Phytophthora infestans. AUTORES: GARCÍA-NÚÑEZ, H.G., MARTÍNEZ-CAMPOS, A.R., HERMOSA-PRIETO M.R., MONTE E., AGUILAR-ORTIGOZA, C.J. Y GONZÁLEZ-ESQUIVEL C.E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Revista Mexicana de Fitopatología 35(1): 58-79. |
2017 | Silybum marianum cell cultures stably transformed with Vitis vinifera stilbene synthase accumulate t -resveratrol in the extracellular medium after elicitation with methyl jasmonate or methylated β-cyclodextrins. AUTORES: HIDALGO, D., MARTÍNEZ-MÁRQUEZ, A., CUSIDÓ, R., BRU-MARTÍNEZ,R., PALAZÓN, J., CORCHETE, P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Engineering in Life Sciences · DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201600241 |
2017 | Tailoring tobacco hairy root metabolism for the production of stilbenes. AUTORES: HIDALGO, D., GEORGIEV, M., M., MARCHEZ A., BRU-MARTINEZ, R., CUSIDO, R., CORCHETE, P:, PALAZON, J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 21;7(1):17976 |
2017 | The combination of Trichoderma harzianum and chemical fertilization leads to the deregulation of phytohormone networking, preventing the adaptative responses of tomato plants to salt stress. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., HERMOSA, R., VICENTE, R., GÓMEZ-ACOSTA, F. A., MORCUENDE, R., MONTE, E. AND BETTIOL, W. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Plant Science 8:294.
http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpls.2017.00294/full |
2017 | Tomato progeny inherit resistance to the nematode Meloidogyne javanica linked to plant growth induced by the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride. AUTORES: H.A. MEDEIROS, J.V. DE ARAUJO, L.G. DE FREITAS, P. CASTILLO, M.B. RUBIO, R. HERMOSA AND E. MONTE. REVISTA/LIBRO: Scientific Reports 7: 40216
2017 | Trichoderma species as biocontrol agents in legumes. AUTORES: MAYO, S., GUTIÉRREZ, S., CARDOZA, R.E., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E. Y CASQUERO, P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Legumes for global food security. Eds. Alfonso Clemente y Jose C. Jiménez-López. Nova Science Publishers: New York. Capítulo 4, pp. 73-99. |
2016 | An optimized biotechnological system for the production of centellosides based on elicitation and bioconversion of Centella asiatica cell cultures. AUTORES: HIDALGO, D., STEINMETZ, V., BROSSAT, M., TOURNIER-COUTURIER, L., CUSIDO, R., CORCHETE, P., JAVIER PALAZÓN, P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Engineering in Life Sciences 17: 413-419. |
2016 | Botrydial and botcinins produced by Botrytis cinerea regulate expression of Trichoderma arundinaceum genes involved in trichothecene biosynthesis. AUTORES: MALMIERCA, M.G., IZQUIERDO-BUENO, I., MCCORMICK, S.P., CARDOZA, R.E., ALEXANDER, N.J., BARÚA, J., VIERIRA, E., COLLADO, I.G., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Molecular Plant Pathology 17(7): 1017-1031. (Q1)
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mpp.12343/full |
2016 | Development of Biopesticides and Future Opportunities. AUTORES: GLARE T.R., GWYNN R.L. AND MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbial-based Biopesticides: Methods and Protocols. Eds. Glare T.R. and Morán-Diez M.E. Springer Protocols Series Vol. 1477: 211-221 Humana Press, New York |
2016 | Establishment and characterization of a Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad (Lamiaceae) cell suspension culture: a new in vitro source of rosmarinic acid. AUTORES: SAHRAROO, A., MIRJALILI, M.H., CORCHETE, P., BABALAR, M. ET AL. REVISTA/LIBRO: Cytotechnology 68: 1415-1424 |
2016 | Gene expression and flavonolignan production in fruits and cell cultures of Silybum marianum. AUTORES: TORRES, M., CORCHETE P. REVISTA/LIBRO: J. Plant Physiol. 192:111-117 |
2016 | Microbial-based Biopesticides: Methods and Protocols. AUTORES: GLARE T.R. AND MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Springer Protocols Series Vol. 1477. Humana Press, New York. 224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4939-6367-6 |
2016 | Nitrogen metabolism and growth enhancement in tomato plants challenged with Trichoderma harzianum expressing the Aspergillus nidulans acetamidase amdS gene. AUTORES: DOMÍNGUEZ, S., RUBIO, M.B., CARDOZA R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., NICOLÁS, C., BETTIOL, W., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1182. (Q1)
http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01182/full |
2016 | Trichodema asperellum is effective for biocontrol of Verticillium wilt in olive caused by the defoliating pathotype of Verticillium dahliae. AUTORES: CARRERO-CARRÓN, I., TRAPERO-CASA, J.L., OLIVARES-GARCÍA, C., MONTE, E., HERMOSA, R. AND JIMÉNEZ-DÍAZ, R.M. REVISTA/LIBRO: Crop Protection 88, 45-52. (Q1, IP: 1,493) |
2016 | Trichothecenes and aspinolides produced by Trichoderma arundinaceum regulate expression of Botrytis cinerea genes involved in virulence and growth. AUTORES: M. MALMIERCA, I. IZQUIERDO-BUENO, S.P. MCCORMICK, R.E. CARDOZA, N.J. ALEXANDER, J. BARUA, L. LINDO, P.A. CASQUERO, I.G. COLLADO, E. MONTE AND S. GUTIÉRREZ. REVISTA/LIBRO: Environmental Microbiology 18: 3991-4004
2016 | What are Microbial-based Biopesticides? AUTORES: MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E. AND GLARE T.R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbial-based Biopesticides: Methods and Protocols. Eds. Glare T.R. and Morán-Diez M.E. Springer Protocols Series Vol. 1477: 1-10 Humana Press, New York |
2015 | A paralog of the proteinaceous elicitor SM1 is involved in colonization of maize roots by Trichoderma virens. AUTORES: CRUTCHER, F.K., MORAN-DIEZ, M.E., DING, S., LIU, J., HORWITZ, B.A., MUKHERJEE, P.K. AND KENERLEY, C.M. REVISTA/LIBRO: Fungal Biology 119: 476-486. |
2015 | Effectiveness of composts and Trichoderma strains in the control of tomato Fusarium wilt. AUTORES: TAGHDI, Y., HERMOSA, R., DOMÍNGUEZ, S., RUBIO M.B., ESSALMANI, H., NICOLÁS, C AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Phytopathologia Mediterranea 54(2): 232-240 (doi: 10.14601/Phytopathol_Mediterr-15226) (Q2, IF 1,293). |
2015 | Effects of trichothecene production on plant defense response and on fungal physiology: overexpression of Trichoderma arundinaceum tri4 gene in T. harzianum. AUTORES: CARDOZA, R.E., MCCORMICK, S.P., MALMIERCA, M.G., OLIVERA, E.R., ALEXANDER, N.J., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 6355-6366. (Q1, IP: 3,668) |
2015 | Host-specific transcriptomic pattern of Trichoderma virens during interaction with maize or tomato roots. AUTORES: MORÁN-DIEZ, M.E., TRUSHINA, N., LAMDAN, N.L., ROSENFELDER, L., MUKHERJEE, P:K., KENERLEY, C.M. AND HORWITZ, B.A. REVISTA/LIBRO: BMC Genomics 16: 1 |
2015 | Influence of Rhizoctonia solani and Trichoderma spp. in growth of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and in the induction of plant defense-related genes. AUTORES: MAYO, S., GUTIÉRREZ S., MALMIERCA, M.G., LORENZANA, A., CAMPELO, M.P., HERMOSA, R. AND CASQUERO P.A. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1-11 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00685) (Q1, IP: 4,495) |
2015 | Novel aspinolides production by Trichoderma arundinaceum with a potential role in Botrytis cinerea antagonistic activity and plant defence priming. AUTORES: MALMIERCA M.G., BARUA, J., MCCORMICK, S.P., IZQUIERDO-BUENO, I., CARDOZA, R.E., ALEXANDER, N.J., HERMOSA, R., COLLADO, I.G., MONTE, E., AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Environmental Microbiology 17: 1103-1118. (Q1, IP: 6,201) |
2015 | Production of trichodiene by Trichoderma harzianum alters the perception of this biocontrol strain by plants and antagonized fungi. AUTORES: MALMIERCA, M.G., MCCORMICK, S.P., CARDOZA, R.E., ALEXANDER, N.J., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Environmental Microbiology 17: 2628-2646. (Q1, IP: 6,201) |
2015 | Production of trichodiene in a Trichoderma harzianum erg1 silenced strain evidences the importance of the sterol biosynthetic pathway to induce the expression of plant defense-related genes. AUTORES: MALMIERCA, M.G., MCCORMICK, S.P., CARDOZA, R.E., MONTE, E., ALEXANDER, N.J. AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 28: 1181-1197. (Q1, IP: 4,145) |
2015 | The importance of chorismate mutase in the biocontrol potential of Trichoderma parareesei. AUTORES: PÉREZ, E., RUBIO M.B, CARDOZA, R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., BETTIOL, W., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Frontiers in Microbiology 6: 1-14. (Q1, IP: 4,165) |
2015 | Trichoderma root colonization in Arabidopsis. AUTORES: ALONSO-RAMÍREZ, POVEDA J, MARTÍN I, HERMOSA R, MONTE E, NICOLÁS C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Bioprotocol 5: e1512 |
2015 | Trichoderma y su aplicación en agricultura como agente de control biológico y como hongo beneficioso para las plantas. AUTORES: MONTE E. Y HERMOSA R. REVISTA/LIBRO: SEM@aforo 60: 54-55. |
2014 | Early steps of adventitious rooting: morphology, hormonal profiling and carbohydrate turnover in carnation stem cuttings. AUTORES: AGULLÓ-ANTÓN, M.A., FERRÁNDEZ-AYELA, A., FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, N., NICOLÁS, C., ALBACETE, A., PÉREZ-ALFOCEA, F., SÁNCHEZ-BRAVO, J., PÉREZ-PÉREZ, J.M. AND ACOSTA, M. REVISTA/LIBRO: Physiologia Plantarum 150: 446-462 |
2014 | Identifying Trichoderma parareesei beneficial qualities for plants. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., QUIJADA, N.M., PÉREZ, E., DOMÍNGUEZ, S., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80: 1864-1873 |
2014 | Involvement of phospholipase A2 in the release of silymarin to the culture medium in cell suspensions of Silybum marianum. AUTORES: CORCHETE P. AND FERNÁNDEZ TÁRRAGO J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Biologia Plantarum 58: 147-152 |
2014 | New trends in biotechnological production of rosmarinic acid. AUTORES: KHOJASTEH A, MIRJALILI MH, HIDLGO D., CORCHETE P AND PALAZÓN J. REVISTA/LIBRO: Biotechnology Letters 36: 2393-2406. |
2014 | Role of gliotoxin in the symbiotic and pathogenic interactions of Trichoderma virens. AUTORES: VARGAS, W.A., MUKHERJEE, P.K., LAUGHLIN, D., WIEST, A., MORAN-DIEZ, M.E., AND KENERLEY, C.M. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbiology 160: 2319-2330. |
2014 | Salicylic acid prevents Trichoderma harzianum from entering the vascular system of the roots. AUTORES: ALONSO-RAMÍREZ, A., POVEDA, J., MARTÍN, J.I., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E. AND NICOLÁS, C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Molecular Plant Pathology 15: 823-831 |
2014 | Secondary metabolism and antimicrobial metabolites of Trichoderma. AUTORES: R. HERMOSA, R.E. CARDOZA, M.B. RUBIO, S. GUTIÉRREZ AND E. MONTE. REVISTA/LIBRO: Biotechnology and Biology of Trichoderma. Eds. V.K. Gupta, M. Schmoll, A. Herrera-Estrella, R.S. Upadhyay, I. Druzhinina and M. Tuohy. Elsevier: The Netherlands, pp. 125-137 |
2014 | Transport of flavonolignans to the culture medium of elicited cell suspensions of Silybum marianum. AUTORES: PRIETO D. AND CORCHETE P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Plant Physiology 171: 63-68 |
2014 | Trichoderma genes in plants for stress tolerance-status and prospects. AUTORES: NICOLÁS, C., HERMOSA, R., RUBIO, M.B., MUKHERJEE, P.K. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Plant Science 228: 71-78 |
2013 | Relevance of trichothecenes in fungal physiology: Disruption of tri5 in Trichoderma arundinaceum. AUTORES: MALMIERCA, M.G., CARDOZA, R.E., ALEXANDER, N.J., MCCORMICK, S.P., COLLADO, I.G., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Fungal Genetics and Biology 53: 22-33. (IP: 3,38) |
2013 | The contribution of Trichoderma to balance the costs of plant growth and defense. AUTORES: HERMOSA, R., RUBIO, M.B., CARDOZA, R.E., NICOLÁS, C., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: International Microbiology 16:69-80 |
2012 | Comparative study of Trichoderma gene expression in interactions with tomato plants using high-density oligonucleotide microarrays. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., DOMÍNGUEZ, S., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbiology SGM 158: 119-128. |
2012 | Control biológico de hongos fitopatógenos de alubia con Trichoderma. AUTORES: MAYO, S., CAMPELO, M.P., CARDOZA, R.E., LORENZANA, A., GONZÁLEZ, O., RODRÍGUEZ, A., MONTE, E., GUTIÉRREZ, S. Y CASQUERO, P.A. REVISTA/LIBRO: Tierras de Castilla y León 195: 70-75. |
2012 | Functional analysis of nox1 gene of Trichoderma harzianum and its role in ROS production. AUTORES: MONTERO-BARRIENTOS, M., MORÁN-DIEZ, E., CARDOZA, R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., HERMOSA, R. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Induced resistance in plants against insects and diseases IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 83: 223. |
2012 | Involvement of Trichoderma trichothecenes in the biocontrol activity and induction of plant defense-related genes. AUTORES: MALMIERCA, M.G., CARDOZA, R.E., ALEXANDER, N.J., MCCORMICK, S.P., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:4856-4868. (IP: 3,83) |
2012 | Mini-Review: Plant-beneficial effects of Trichoderma and of its genes. AUTORES: HERMOSA, R., VITERBO, A., CHET, I. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbiology SGM 158: 17-25. |
2012 | Plant-beneficial effects of Trichoderma and of its genes. AUTORES: MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA R. REVISTA/LIBRO: 4th OECD biopesticides steering group seminar on Trichoderma spp. for the use in plant protection products: similarities and differences. Paris: OECD. p. 28. |
2012 | Role of a trichodiene synthasa gene of Trichoderma brevicompactum as elicitor of antimicrobial activities, and defence and development plant responses. AUTORES: TIJERINO, M., CARDOZA, R.E., GÓMEZ, M., GUTIÉRREZ, S., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Induced resistance in plants against insects and diseases IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 83: 115. |
2012 | Role of the Thctf1 transcription factor of Trichoderma harzianum in 6-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-one production and antifungal activity. AUTORES: RUBIO, M.B., HERMOSA, R., RUOCCO, M., LORITO, M. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: IOBC/ WPRS Bulletin 83: 85-88. |
2012 | The qid74 gene from Trichoderma harzianum has a role in root architecture and plant biofertilization. AUTORES: SAMOLSKI, I., RINCÓN, A., PINZÓN, L.M., VITERBO, A. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Microbiology SGM 158: 129-138. |
2012 | Transcriptomic response of Arabidopsis thaliana after 24 h incubation with the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum. AUTORES: MORÁN-DIEZ, E., RUBIO, M.B., DOMÍNGUEZ, S., HERMOSA, R., MONTE, E. AND NICOLÁS, C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Plant Physiology 169: 614-620. |
2011 | Biotechnological applications of the gene transfer from the beneficial fungus Trichoderma harzianum to plants. AUTORES: HERMOSA, R., BOTELLA, L., MONTERO-BARRIENTOS, M., ALONSO-RAMÍREZ, A., ARBONA, V., GÓMEZ-CADENAS, A., MONTE, E. AND NICOLÁS, C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Plant Signaling and Behavior 6: 1-2. |
2011 | Functional analysis in Arabidopsis of FsPTP1, a tyrosine phosphatase from beechnuts, reveals its role as a negative regulator of ABA signaling and seed dormancy and suggests its involvement in ethylene signaling modulation. AUTORES: ALONSO-RAMÍREZ, A., RODRÍGUEZ, D., REYES, D., JIMÉNEZ, J.A., NICOLÁS, G. AND NICOLÁS, C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Planta 234: 589-597. |
2011 | Functional analysis of Trichoderma harzianum nox1 gene, encoding a NADPH oxidase, relates ROS production to specific biocontrol activity against Pythium ultimum. AUTORES: MONTERO-BARRIENTOS, M., HERMOSA, R., CARDOZA, R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 3009-3016. |
2011 | Identification of loci and functional characterization of trichothecene biosynthetic genes in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma. AUTORES: CARDOZA, R.E., MALMIERCA, G.M., HERMOSA, M.R., ALEXANDER N., MCCORMICK, S., PROCTOR, R., TIJERINO, A., RUMBERO, A., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 4867-4877. |
2011 | Integration of group I introns harbored in the LSU rDNA and EF1-α phylogenetic distribution places most Spanish isolates of Beauveria bassiana as members of a molecular group with word-wide distribution. AUTORES: GARRIDO-JURADO, I., MÁRQUEZ, M., ORTIZ-URQUIZA, A., SANTIAGO-ALVAREZ, C., ITURRIAGA, E.A., QUESADA-MORAGA, E., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: BMC Microbiology 11: 84. |
2011 | Overexpression of the Trichoderma brevicompactum tri5 gene: effect on the expression of the trichodermin biosynthetic genes and on tomato seedlings. AUTORES: TIJERINO, A., HERMOSA, R., CARDOZA, R.E., MORAGA, J., MALMIERCA, M.G., ALEU, J., COLLADO, I.G., MONTE, E. AND GUTIÉRREZ, S. REVISTA/LIBRO: Toxins 3: 1220-1232. |
2011 | Overexpression of the trichodiene synthase gene tri5 increases trichodermin production and antimicrobial activity in Trichoderma brevicompactum. AUTORES: TIJERINO, A., CARDOZA, R.E., MORAGA, J., MALMIERCA, M.G., VICENTE, F., ALEU, J., COLLADO, I.G., GUTIÉRREZ, S., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Fungal Genetics and Biology 48: 285-296. |
2011 | The overexpression in Arabidopsis thaliana of a Trichoderma harzianum gene, that modulates glucosidase activity, enhances tolerance to salt and osmotic stress. AUTORES: HERMOSA, R., BOTELLA, L., KECK, E., JIMÉNEZ, J.A., MONTERO-BARRIENTOS, M., ARBONA, V., GÓMEZ-CADENAS, A., MONTE, E. AND NICOLÁS, C. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Plant Physiology 168: 1295-1302. |
2011 | Trichoderma: mechanisms of action and development of a bioproduct to control plant diseases. AUTORES: MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Summa Phytopathologica 37 (supplement). ISSN-1983-2729. |
2011 | Trichoderma: the genomics of opportunistic success. AUTORES: DRUZHININA, I.S., SEIDL-SEIBOTH, V., HERRERA-ESTRELLA, A., HORWITZ, B.A., KENERLEY, C.M., MONTE, E., MUKHERJEE, P., ZEILINGER, S., GRIGORIEV, I.V. AND KUBICEK, C.P. REVISTA/LIBRO: Nature Reviews Microbiology 9: 749-759 |
2010 | Biological control of phytopathogenic fungi in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with Trichoderma atroviride and Trichoderma virens. AUTORES: CAMPELO, M.P., CARDOZA, R.E., LORENZANA, A., HERMOSA, M.R., MONTE, E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., REINOSO, B. AND CASQUERO, P.A. REVISTA/LIBRO: Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative Meeting 53: 114-115 |
2010 | Los hongos y oomicetos fitopatógenos. AUTORES: GARCÍA JIMÉNEZ, J., MONTE, E. Y TRAPERO, A. REVISTA/LIBRO: Enfermedades de las Plantas causadas por Hongos y Oomicetos. Naturaleza y Control Integrado. Eds. Rafael M. Jiménez Díaz y Emilio Montesinos. Phytoma-España: Valencia, pp. 23-50. |
2010 | Manejo integrado de enfermedades causadas por hongos. AUTORES: JIMÉNEZ-DÍAZ, R.M., MELGAREJO, P., BONATERRA, A., LANDA DEL CASTILLO, B.B., MONTE, E. Y MONTESINOS, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Enfermedades de las Plantas causadas por Hongos y Oomicetos. Naturaleza y Control Integrado. Eds. Rafael M. Jiménez Díaz y Emilio Montesinos. Phytoma-España: Valencia, pp. 87-114. |
2010 | Muerte de plántulas. AUTORES: MONTE, E. Y SUÁREZ, M.B. REVISTA/LIBRO: Enfermedades de las Plantas causadas por Hongos y Oomicetos. Naturaleza y Control Integrado. Eds. Rafael M. Jiménez Díaz y Emilio Montesinos. Phytoma-España: Valencia, pp. 115-133. |
2010 | Proteomic approaches to understand Trichoderma biocontrol mechanisms and plant interactions. AUTORES: HERMOSA, R., WOO, S.L., LORITO, M. AND MONTE E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Current Proteomics 7: 298-305. |
2010 | Transgenic expression of the Trichoderma harzianum hsp70 gene increases Arabidopsis resistance to heat and other abiotic stresses. AUTORES: MONTERO-BARRIENTOS, M., HERMOSA, R., CARDOZA, R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., NICOLÁS, C. AND MONTE, E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Plant Physiology 167: 659-665. |
2010 | Translational research on Trichoderma: from ‘omics to the field. AUTORES: LORITO M, WOO SL, HARMAN GE AND MONTE E. REVISTA/LIBRO: Annual Review of Phytopathology 48: 395-417. |
2010 | TvDim1 of Trichoderma virens is involved in redox-processes and confers resistance to oxidative stresses. AUTORES: MORÁN-DIEZ, E., CARDOZA R.E., GUTIÉRREZ, S., MONTE, E. AND HERMOSA, R. REVISTA/LIBRO: Current Genetics 56: 63-73. |